Reverse Movie Technique (also known as The "NLP Trauma or Phobia Cure")
6. Think about what it was that upset you before beginning this technique.... Where are you now on this scale of zero to 10? NOTE: If needed, the technique may be repeated in sets of five until you get the desired result--a "zero." If not completely successful, identify the secondary gains for keeping the unwanted feelings, and resolve the issue with additional appropriate techniques such as the "One-Step Reframe." You may have another person coach you through the process by reading these directions out loud. You may do it yourself by simply imagining the actions in sequence while you pace yourself. It is not important to remember all the exact words for achieving success with this technique. ● According to the National Institute of Mental Health, psychotherapy only has a 20% success rate. ● I have a 97% success rate, and over 37+ years experience. ● THIS IS AN ALL INCLUSIVE WELCOMING PRACTICE I honor and respect your race, religion, culture, sexual orientation and way of life including senior citizens and those with disabilities. I also welcome adults in consensual, sane and safe, alternative sexual and other creative lifestyle choices including those in the LGBTQ+ community.
appointment location with Dr. Ruth prior to first meeting.
Negative blocks are usually formed from being emotionally stuck in a situation where we felt helpless to change it. These blocks can often keep us from having a wonderful life. Some examples could include a major loss such as a job, or a partner, being threatened or terrorized, having an argument that had unpleasant repercussions, and so on. This approach is a potent form of guided imagery that allows us to reprogram our unwanted responses to an event through dissociation. It is from the Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) tradition, and is also known as both "The Phobia Cure," and "The Trauma Cure."It involves imagining that you could run a movie of the event forward and backwards several times, so fast that you can’t even see it! The result is your unconscious mind is desensitized from the distress and all negative responses are defused. Another way of saying it is that the chemistry in your brain is changed. Once experienced under guidance, it becomes another incredible self-use tool that you can use with total success on an amazing array of experiences.